• From managed employee to manager of your own career

Employees enjoy an increasing amount of influence on the design and execution of their work

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From managed employee to manager of your own career.

More and more, people are in control over their own job. They experience an increasing amount of influence on their responsibilities and on the way related activities are executed. The new job design is created in coöperation with the employer/ manager, and together the employer and employee seek for ways of working which optimise both individual work satisfaction and organisational results. People are not only taking more control over their own careers, they are also more critical about organisation’s decisions towards the future, since these can be of influence on the individual’s future. The interesting part is that this is also the case for organisations the individual is not (yet) working for. Thus, organisations should be mindful of the impact their social status has on their appeal towards the (future) workforce. Moreover, the rise of social media is a big enabler for creation of a public opinion. Even though organisations will never be able to fully control the public opinion, they can no longer deny the opportunities and risks that come with the power social media.

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