From fear of domination by technology, to coöperating with technology
Evolution of the human species is undeniably linked to the evolution of technology
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From New Ways of Working to High-Performance Working
Organisations are becoming more aware of the fact that the ideas behind the new ways of working concept are good influences on organisational performance
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Highly Recommended by Bright & Company June 2014
What does GE say about the Future of Work? What led to a culture change at animation studio Pixar? And what major baseball innovation (after Moneyball) is coming to HR? Click to read more.
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Impact of Technology on the Future of Work
What is the impact of technological developments on the future of work? Do robots take all our jobs? Recently, a lot has been written about this subject. Bright & Company has collected and bundled a number of relevant articles from international media. For inspiration. For you.
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Bright & Company partner Strategic Workforce Planning & Talent Analytics Seminar 2015
For the second year in a row, Bright & Company | HR Strategy will be support partner of the “2nd Annual Strategic Workforce Planning & Talent Analytics Seminar” in Brussels. On 28th and 29th of May 2015, international top speakers and leading minds will share their latest insights and experiences on strategic workforce planning and HR analytics.
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Recalibration and making feasible of the 2014-2018 HRM strategy
The organisation wanted to update its 2014-2018 HRM strategy in order to optimally support its research and medical tasks. The result was a broadly supported HRM strategy including a translation of strategic tasks into a maximally efficient and effectively organised HRM agenda, plus expert advice on a suitable HRM formation that matches the result areas (also with regard to quality).
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Develop a People Strategy that matches the business strategy
The management board initiated an organisational renewal project in which human aspects explicitly take centre stage. In order to determine the contribution to be expected from employees, we have facilitated a process to develop a People Strategy, including concrete projects and a project structure.
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Broadly supported operations vision
Working together with the team of directors of operations, mutual trust and cooperation were reinforced, after which the multi-annual vision for operations for the entire municipality was drawn up.
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Implementation of an optimum HR process
In intensive cooperation with the organisation’s HR professionals a survey was made of the HR processes as they were at the time. Bright & Company then identified the improvement points that would increase the HR department’s effectiveness and efficiency substantially on several levels. This expert advice was broadly supported by the HR department and was almost immediately implementable.
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Set-up and supervision of strategy implementation programme, with large leadership focus
Supported the organisation in creating a support base for and operationalising the business strategy on all levels within the organisation. Worked on underlying themes including reinforcement of personal leadership, team development, setting up a change programme and fleshing out programme and change management roles.
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Support in developing the HR Analytics function
Multiple HR Analytics Pilots were developed and executed in close coöperation with the client, with the purpose of better connecting HR and the business in achieving strategic goals. Included was the set-up of an integrated data warehouse, performing advanced analysis (pilots), as well as development and execution of an HR Analytics course for HR Business Partners.
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Development and improvement of the HR Analytics capability
Bright & Company’s analytics experts have determined the current and desired capabilities within various HR Analytics domains, in cooperation with its workforce analytics partner iNostix. Following that, a roadmap was drawn up containing expert advice regarding (viable) HR Analytics ambitions, practical steps to be taken and the preconditions necessary to attain them. In addition, key HR Analytics people within the organisation were provided with training programmes. Two HR Analytics pilots were done to indicate the impact of human capital on the business results.
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Optimising the HR Function and support in implementation of improvements
To anticipate on future developments, the organisation’s board found that the HR Function was required to work more efficiently and effectively. We performed our thorough screening which resulted in a practical optimalisation project, based on our expert findings and advice.
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Datafication Of Human Capital
Why are so few organisations successful with applying Human Capital Analytics? What are the benefits of HCA? And why should we care? The experts of Bright & Company wrote an opinion article about the impact of ‘Datafication of Human Capital’ in ABRI magazine.
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From fixed contracts to an open talent economy
The amount of options to attract talent to your organisation is endless
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From managed employee to manager of your own career
Employees enjoy an increasing amount of influence on the design and execution of their work
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Global Survey: Organising for HR analytics success
Bright & Company, in collaboration with Top Employers Institute, has surveyed more than 200 HR executives in 36 countries, exploring trends and developments in the organisation and execution of HR reporting and HR analytics. Read the results here.
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Measuring HR impact: Results of the HR reporting & analytics study
Most organisations simply do not measure the HR drivers that impact their business outcomes most. Do you?
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Our Bright vision on people analytics
Imagine, as an organization, you gain key insights in your people by measuring and analyzing what matters to your organization.
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Organisation Transformation
Mobilising people to move along in the direction of your strategic goals, intrinsically motivated and with the appropriate capabilities
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HR Organisation Effectiveness
Has the HR function been played out? No! Is the way in which HR is currently organised finite? Yes!
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