Waarom zijn slechts weinig organisaties écht succesvol met het toepassen van Human Capital Analytics? Wat zijn de voordelen van HCA? En waarom zou je het moeten gebruiken? De experts van Bright & Company schreven een opinieartikel over de impact van de ‘Datafication of Human Capital’ in ABRI magazine. Lees het begin van het artikel hieronder, of klik hier voor het volledige artikel.
‘Our Human Capital is key to our organizational success’: it is hard to find an organization that does not somehow subscribe to this view. These organisations are right too, there’s no doubt about that. But living in the era of Big Data and Human Capital Analytics means organisations cannot afford to make these claims any more without putting their money where their mouth is.
In other words, we would expect organizations to use data-driven decision-making for their human capital investments, actively increasing organizational success by predicting and influencing their human capital impact. After all, we are still living in times of crisis, when numbers matter more than ever and every investment is scrutinized carefully. Moreover, with the ability to quantify human capital impact and making the results of human capital investments ‘tangible’, finally there is a solution to a justification problem that has haunted so many organizations – the HR department in specific.
One would expect every organization to want a slice of the Human Capital Analytics cake and jump straight into the movement. Surprisingly, however, a mere 4% of organizations have successfully made steps in this area. ‘Why such a low number?’, you might ask? Let us try to answer this question.
Lees of download hier het hele artikel. Het volledige artikel ‘Datafication Of Human Capital: What Every Business Leader Should Know Before Translating People Into Numbers’ is verschenen in Amsterdam in Science, Business and Society magazine van het Amsterdam Business Research Institute (ABRI), nr.1, 2015.
Photo credits: Flickr/ Danna